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What You Should Bring to “Friendsgiving”

It is the holiday season! Thanksgiving is around the corner and people have been celebrating “friendsgiving.” For those of you who are not aware of what this is, it is exactly what it sounds like. You and your friends celebrate your very own Thanksgiving. What better way to show your love and appreciation for one…

Perks of Going Greek

1.) Friends for life A main reason people join a sorority or fraternity is to make friends. Starting at brand new school is nerve wracking, especially when you move away from home. Rushing is a fantastic experience. Rushing is where you are able to meet with the chapter and get to know them. Sororities go…

Last Minute Halloween Costumes

Halloween is this weekend! Do you need a last minute costume? Here is a list of easy costumes with a low budget. 1.) Pirate This can be a cute or edgy look. Most of this costume can come from your own closet. Also you can have some fun with the accessories. For example purchasing a…

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