Simple Stress Relievers

We live in a society that is constantly in a rush and going through the same motions everyday. Taking time for yourself is super important! Whether it is stress from work or from your peers, we all experience it in some way.

Work out

Many people claim working out is a great stress reliever. It is a good way to release anger or forget about things for some time. This is a time where you can think about yourself and not think about priorities you have. Working out also makes you physically feel better and boosts your mood. Doing this a couple of days of week can be beneficial.

Working out at night can be hard to motivate for, here's how | Well+Good

Take a break from media

Choosing to go on a social media break can be freeing. Both young people and adults admit to feeling anxious and stressed due to social media. It can be damaging to one’s mental health being on social media often. Social media can be entertaining but also draining so take time away from it.

Do something you love

People may find comfort in music, hiking, art, or being with friends. Doing an activity you like can relieve stress and bring some happiness into your day. Try doing this after your work day or after school. Putting yourself first is important so be sure to include this in your routine!

Sleepless Nights? Try Stress Relief Techniques | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Stay organized

The feeling of procrastination or feeling like you are forgetting something initiates stress. Having a planner or to do list can prevent this from happening. Being on top of your priorites is necessary but so is your personal health. You can plan out when you can take some time for yourself and stay on a healthy schedule.

These are very simple things you can do to help yourself. We all experience stress, just find out what works best for you.

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